Friday, January 22, 2010

Deleting a WebPart from a Page using PowerShell

I had come across a requirement where I had to automate the deletion of the webpart from the page and not from Webpart Gallery. I have written a PowerShell script that takes care of the above requirement. WebPart.txt file contains the name of the webparts that needs to be deleted from the page.




$url = "http://myserver"
$WebPageUrl = "Pages/Default.aspx"
$wpNames = Get-Content "c:\Powershell\webparts.txt"
$SPSite = New-Object Microsoft.Sharepoint.SPSite($url)
$SPWeb = $SPSite.OpenWeb()

foreach ($wpName in $wpNames)
$SPWebPart = $SPWeb.GetWebPartCollection($WebPageUrl,

$SPWebPart | select Title
$count = $SPWebPart.Count

for ($k = 0; $k -lt $count; $k++)
    $wp = $SPWebPart[$k]

        if ($wp.Title -eq $wpName)


           $SPWeb = $SPSite.OpenWeb()
           $pubweb = [Microsoft.Sharepoint.Publishing.PublishingWeb]::GetPublishingWeb($SPWeb)
           $d = $pubweb.GetPublishingPages()
           $SPPage = $d.get_Item($WebPageUrl)
           $Page = $SPPage.ListItem.File

          if ($Page.Level -eq [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFileLevel]::Checkout)
             $SPWebPart = $SPWeb.GetWebPartCollection($WebPageUrl,[Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.Storage]::Shared)

            $SPPage.CheckIn("Checked in")

Write-Host " $wpName Deleted"

$SPWebPart = $SPWeb.GetWebPartCollection   ($WebPageUrl,Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.Storage]::Shared)

$c = $wp.StorageKey
$SPPage.CheckIn("Checked in")

Write-Host "$wpName Deleted and Checked in"
Write-Host " $wpName not found"


  1. how do you create sharepoint webpart page using powershell?

  2. Can you clarify if you want to add webpart to a sharepoint page?

  3. Help me how to add custom webparts to pages in powershell scripts

  4. Does the text file contain each name on a new line, or is it deleted by commas, semi-colonts, etc? Could you maybe add just a brief example of the text file contents. Thanks

  5. Can i also delete a webpart by it's ID and not by it's name?
