There was an issue
in starting the User Profile Synchronization service from the central
administration. Below is the warning and the content of the warning that were
shown in the event viewer.
ILM SQL Configuration file could not be read: Error
Parcing the SQL File: D:\Microsoft Office
Servers\14.0\Sql\SchemaCollections.sql Exception: Specified collection
'StringSchemaCollection' cannot be dropped because it is used by object
Observation and Steps to resolve the issue -
It was observed that
the SYNC Database DBO owner was not the farm account but sa account. That was
really very odd as I had used powershell to create the service application. For
the issue to be fixed, the dbo on the SYNC database needs to be associated to
The farm account. Below are the steps that were taken to fix the issue.
1> Ran
the below PowerShell script
$syncdb =
Get-SPDatabase -Id 97c3f4a3-2df2-47ef-9d36-52438563b0e8 # we need
to get the ID from the respective SP farm
$upa =
Get-SPServiceApplication -Id cc4ea1bb-a1ee-40eb-8af7-e2bac2359431 # we need to
get the ID from the respective SP farm
2> Once
the above script is run successfully, execute the below SQL script on
the SYNC database
Use [Sync_DB]
EXEC sp_changedbowner ‘domain\Farmaccount’
3> Once
that is run, restart the timer service across all the SharePoint servers in the
farm. This should fix the issue.
Hope this helps someone....